
Welcome back to the Varner legacy! Last chapter I left you in suspense. Did Bella Goth reject Tommy?

She did not. Tommy had convinced her to leave her husband and two children to join him in Del Sol Valley.

Bella received a quick makeover. I also made her body more realistic as I don’t like the unrealistic body she previously had.

Cementing their relationship.

Bella – I’m pregnant!

Tommy – Yay!

Whereas Bella had a job and kept it, Tommy did not and found a new hobby to occupy his time.

Bella had two days off of work, the two took a vacation to Selvadorada where Tommy searched the jungle for lost temples and treasures, and Bella…

She relaxed.

Looking for more relics and treasures to sell.

Bella went into labour as soon as they returned home.

With no time to have a hospital birth she delivered the baby outside of their tiny home.

Welcome baby Elena Varner.

Cassandra Goth visited regularly, it was important to Bella to mend her relationship with her children from her previous marriage.

Elena aged up with the Inquisitive trait.

With the addition of their daughter, it was time to upgrade their living arrangements, and Tommy got to work making more money.

Bella has the Party Animal aspiration so she introduced herself to 10 sims. I’ve never done this aspiration before.

It’s also New Years Eve, hence the celebrating.

Elena was very stinky.

Tommy – Will you be my wife?

Bella obviously said yes.


When I made my return to playing the sims I had every intention of playing my 100 baby challenge save or name game challenge, I tried too, but I just couldn’t get into it.

So here we are with a basic legacy challenge. I have never played one following the rules or without some sort of twist. This should be fun.

Let’s welcome Tommy Varner to the long list of legacy founders that no one will remember in a couple generations.

His aspiration is Archeology Scholar, and his traits are Self-assured, Jealous and Geek.

This is an extreme start addition. Meaning it’s winter and the bills will be extreme.

First order of business was finding a wife.

Tommy introduced himself to every female that entered the gym but no one suited his fancy.

He did find time to ask Octavia Moon for her autograph though.

Maybe he would find a wife in the museum but it was empty.

Outside he ran into a few celebrities and asked them all for their autographs.

After having them appraised he was able to sell the bunch for $1,000! Finally some money in the bank.

With money to spend, Tommy was able to book a two day vacation to Selvadorada so he could work on his aspiration.

Enjoying the local cuisine.

Busy excavating.

Examining temple traps proved difficult.

While examining a trap he was struck by a poisonous dart. Left feeling dizzy and unsure of the state of his life expectancy he ended his vacation early.

Tommy ended up in Willow Creek in search of a computer.

Much better and just in time.

Back at home, in Del Sol Valley, Tommy got to work authenticating the relics he had collected while in Selvadorada.

Time to make some money.

After a 300% markup, Tommy now had $43,120 in household funds and was able to upgrade his shack into a tiny micro container.

Now that Tommy had a more appealing living arrangement and money in the bank, it was time to call on the women he fancied.

Bella Goth. Drop dead gorgeous.

She was out of Tommy’s league but that didn’t stop him. He was a young good looking bachelor that loved to make money.

Tommy – I didn’t know what I wanted in a women until I saw you.

Now was the moment of truth. Did Bella like Tommy as much as he like her?